Sunday, June 17, 2007

Fabrication June 17 2007

Hello Hello Friends

So I've been contemplating over video blogging vs a written blog. What would be easier or better for myself and my audience.Once I work out the kinks of it possibly maybe be seeing my doing my Fabrication on a different level but who knows?

Breaking News!

Kristy Swanson the original Buffy The Vampire Slayer was arrested last night for beating up her current boyfriend's ex-wife. TMZ reports drama erupted between Swanson and Marcia O'Brien last year when began an affair with the very married Lloyd Eisler, who eventually left O'Brien for Swanson, and the pair now have a son together.

Baby News

Nicole Richie the tiniest reality star, is rumored to be preggers with Joel Madden's pop rock baby. Friends are saying she hopes this will keep her out of jail... Madden just wrapped up touring. Wait if he's been on tour and she 7 weeks preggers, I maybe not be a doctor but that doesn't sound right.

Eddie Murphy was at an LA health clinic this week to give his half of the DNA test to see if he's the father of Spice Girl Mel Brown. I think he's just shamed of the fact that he's having a baby with someone else besides his ex wife and that's why he's been sucha flipping lumberjack about this whole situation. Mel B and Eddie briefly dated last winter and vacation together a lot with their kids. Mel B says she still hopeful that they may get back together. Mean while in Eddie Murphy Land, Eddie was the one that came out on Swedish Tv saying he wasn't sure if that was his baby. Then putting more gasoline soaked wood on the fire, he brings this uber hot chick to the all the award shows......You are more then qualified to play a Jackass for Shrek 3.

Anglina Jolie visited the Daily Show this week to promote her latest flick, A Mighty Heart. During the interview she mentioned she wanted up to 7-13 kids. Yo this chick has sucha big heart. It's better she's loving children instead of sleeping with a bunch of dudes like, Colin Farrel right?

Shar Jackson confirmed on Ryan Seacrest's radio show that nothing is going on in her uterous. Rumors flying around that she was pregnant with K-Fed's newest baby. Shar and Kevin are very close friends and still hang out a lot. But Shar, hun if people think your pregnant and you just got lipo done, I think I'd be worried. No I'd be pissed at the doctor....

Lindsay Lohan is rumored to some how snuck her blackberry into Promises Rehab Center. Sources say "She's been txting and calling all her friends to help her sneak in sleeping pills. She's having trouble sleeping at night and is desperate need of pills." Other sources say she's been loading on the sweets, putting 20 bags of sugar in her coffee. Addicts are known for turning to other vises like sugar because it gives them a little high. Detoxing sucks ass yo. Getting the sweats and tremors isn't fun at all. I hope they have something entertaining to do at Promises. Like jet skiing or at least trampoline. Yeah, a trampoline would totally keep my mind off crack.

Paris Hilton was transferred in the middle of the night from Twin Towers Correctional Facility to a little less hectic Lynwood Century Regional Detention Facility. Which is far less busy with only 15 beds instead of 200 at Twin Towers which shelter mostly lunatics and crack babies. Her new cellmates are happy for her return. Due to the fact that they gave all the prisoners 2 bottles of shampoo each. Which they usually have to pay for. This generosity comes after a multi-million dollar law suit against the California County Prison. One of their former inmates is suing because the prison never provided her with the same medical "assistance", they've given to Paris. Did I mention she has no legs? Yeah they totally made her crawl around in the showers instead of assisting her. I hope you get all the money you need girl.

Britney Spears is my hero. Not only did she flash her goods again this week but her fling is talking about their sex life. The greasy I never take off my Sunglasses producer, JR Rotem is bragging about how he fucked her in Blender Magazine. Apparently she likes it wheel barrel style. Which, I have to say takes lots of upper body strength. If you all remember Britney wasn't that fit back in December, so I can't say she did it for hours at a time.
Also Lynn Spears aka Momma Spears is making bank on her Us Weekly cover. If you recall Momma Spears was going to go onto the View to do a tell all interview. But backed out last minute because she needs money. Britney and Momma seem to be talking now. which is good because I've been watching mad old interviews where Brit Brit is talking about how her mom is her best friend and I honestly feel like she needs the guidance of a bad mother.

Hot Shows to Catch

Entourage returns tonight! I totally can't wait for Pablo! Pablo is a coming, Pablo is a coming!

Creature Comfort is probably the funniest thing to watch at 4 am with a bowl of fried rice. This first time I saw this, it was Christmas 2006 with my sister in the Atlantis Hotel in the Bahamas. It was so flipping funny but we never knew what the name of the movie was. But now that it's on a tv show format and on CBS you all should catch it.

Kathy Griffin My Life on the D list, this Bravo jem is one of the most entertaining shows on the network. Kathy and her D list crew decided that Kathy should only date men that would push her career on the D list. So they got her a date with Backstreet Boy Nick Carter. We watched Nick "turn black" 6 times throughout their date. Best part is when Nick leaned in for the kiss he totally only got cheek. This is totally DVR worthy.

4400 returns tonight! I'm so flipping excited. Our favorite bunch of mysterious beings are back for another summer of crazy plot twist and mutantion galore! Check it out on USA.

Charm School is truly the most re-dic thing on the tube. The most shocking moments is on tonight. Poor Mo has had to deal with crackheads,hookers, and pimps. But boy, oh boy is it entertaining watching these bitches fight over $50,000. Brooke aka Pumpkin famous for spitting on New York's face during her stint on Flavor of Love was kicked off for sloring herself during the prom. Literally humping and grinding her way through the bunch. After being kicked off for her behavior Brooke proved to America she wasn't a hoe, she was just a girl who loves to fuck and flashed her itty bitty titties. CCCCCCClassy.

Don't waste your time watching

Sunset Tan Just confirms that white people are retarded. Sorry, I mean pale. To get dooped into paying these numb skulls to paint you up a narsty shade or orange. On the first episode in the first five minutes they use their biggest star, Britney Spears. Since then they had big names like Chris Kattan and an old dude that played dead so the blonde Olly girls could show off how truly brain numbing they are.

Celebrity Sighting

Sarah Jessica Parker doing grocery shopping with hubby Mathew Broderick in Amagensett at IGA.

{Summer Has Officially Started In The Hamptons.I know because I had to give 3 Sag Harbor cops blow jobs just to get out of a parking ticket....}

Ashlee Simpson is chased by very large and very loud New Jersey Mall Hoppers outside of Peter Wentz (Fall Out Boy) club Kings and Angels. Celebrating Peter's 28th birthday instyle....yeah right.

Jared Letto was seen leaving an LA club with a guy. Holding his arm smiling and giggling more then a cathlic school girl.

Celebrity Weddings to Look out for

Eva Longoria and Tony Parker

Fergie Ferg and Josh Duhamel

Amy Winehouse is having a second wedding for her Pops soon. (She also wants to pop out babies like Pez)

Heidi and Spencer from the hills but they don't count as celebs

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Hello, Friends,

I return after my month of May Break.

The headlines have been splashed with Lindsay Lohan news for months now.
Is anyone shocked? I don't think so. But I do have to say the cover of People Magazine
with little Parent Trap Lindsay and "WHAT HAPPENED TO LINDSAY LOHAN?"
written across. Golden, Golden. We all know what happened.
Her parents let her get boobies at 17 and
then she was the it girl of 2004
then she got into all the illiest parties,
she slept with half of Holl-o-Wood.
Drinking awesome shots listening to awesome music and talking to awesome people sucking up each others awesomeness?

Samantha Ronson has been receiving lots of muck towards her name lately.
Rumors surfaced that she maybe responsible for Lindsay's downward spiral. Yeah? SO? Samantha Never Made Lindsay SNORT up a Snowstorms of Coke??
But the recent photos of Lindsay passed out, were staged.
The Dj apparently has a contract with a photog company and has been txting photographers where she and Lilo were heading that evening. Teddy's. Then a pitstop at a gas station. Isn't it wierd that Sam stopped for gas when her tank was 3/4's full???

Paris Hilton Is scheduled to enter prison shortly. 23 days without Paris Hilton.
Now if we could get the rest of the STD crew out of the papers for a while
the world may be a better place.

Nicole Richie is taking lots of heat for an personal email invitation to her friends.The only part of the email that would be considered awful was the disclaimer to chubby BBQ guest.
" No girls over 100 pounds are allowed in. There will be a scale at the door. Start Starving yourselves now"

So it wasn't a mystery when little Mischa Barton was hospitalized.
Witness say she was mixing drugs and alcohol throughout the party
until she complained of pains. After two hours of no knowledge of her current condition
she was released to her crying family members. Her little sister,whom was recently finished a stint in rehab was a mess at the hospital. My one problem is....if Mischa went to the hospital in one outfit, why did she leave the hospital in a gown & slippers?

Vanessa Minnillo maybe having the worse week ever. Not only did this little sloreface "leave" Mtv's TRL she was also fired from her ET job......Oooh Vanessa can you and Nick still afford your new condo? Page six has this to add

"While friends of Minnillo insist it was she who decided not to renew the contract with "ET," insiders say her bosses at CBS Paramount soured on her when she covered the Grammys in February. Minnillo was not assigned to the Academy Awards in March." On top of this photos surfaced from a party last summer of her and Lindsay Lohan with knives. Yo I see kids on myspace with knives all the time. Don't hate because they wanted whack photos together.

Things to DVR This Summer

Creatures Comfort-claymation at it's funniest

Last Comic Standing- Enjoy the different style of comics across the nation

The Next Best Thing- Ever been to old Vegas? Miss those drag shows of yester-year?

America's Got Talent-Sharon Osbourne debuts as a judge this season and new host Jerry Springer

Then the rest of reality/ competition shows too.
Wanna dance or sing or become a butt pirate?
This summer is ready for you.

The Jackson's auctioned off decades worth of memorabilia this week.From Michael's rhinstone covered jackets, Janet's dresses from their Variety shows.Jackson 5 outfits and gold records and much much more. estimate worth $35 mil

Celebrity sightings

May 10th Susan Sarandon & Top Designer Todd Oldham at Knitting Factory
for Dj Vibe & Max Barbaria and The Guts

May 12th Sam Rockwell at the night club BOX drunkenly roaming the streets at 2 am.

May 28th Fergie performs for a Gotti wannabe crowd at White House aka CPI I don't care what color your paint was. That will always be CPI and that will always be Hampton Bays....bottom line GROSS

Bobby Brown
is spotted in both The Hamptons & NYC for Memorial Day Weekend at a slue of different clubs and blonde bombshells.

June 4th Ryan Reynolds Aster Place being a hunk

Summer Flick Picks

Spiderman 3- I haven't liked the other 2 movies. So I was entering the theatre hating everything already. I liked Spiderman 3 more then the other two but you still sucked a lot. No matter what they do I'll probably always hate this franchise. Kirstin Drunkst portrayed Mary-Jane as this pathetic whimpering little girl. The Mary-Jane I Grew up loving was a strong level headed girl that wouldn't let a man ruin her day. But I love James Franco and Toby's performances. They were funny,cute and lame at times. Only go see this if you truely just want to know what happens to the characters.

Pirates 3 YO totally blew Spiderman 3 out of the water! It was sooooo good. Keira Knightly was watchable. Elizabeth Swan has grew up into an interesting heroine. William Turner turns out to be one of the greatest pirates I've ever seen.Capt. Jack is crazier then ever and all together it's just soo flipping good folks. My only question was, Why were all the asian pirates covered with syphilis? Okay I get it, it's historically accurate....but seriously All of them had it? ALL OVER THEIR FACE!

Shrek 3 still haven't seen it. But It's on the do list.

Summer has just opened it's doors. Let's start the season off right and don't stop til Oct!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The Fabrication 5-8-07

Hello Hello Friends!

Let's start with celebrity sightings.

Josh Hartnett was filming a scene from his upcoming film near headquarters in Aster Place/ Cooper Union last week. Not only did we gawk at him like it was going out of fashion and take millions of phone pics, we also invited him to go to The Pitt that Friday. Sadly he didn't show up but all those filthy thoughts of him will do until our next meeting.

Last week we saw a Journey's End on Broadway starring former Flavor of the Week Stark Sands. His performance as a English school boy was superb. The only other person who could have top his performance would have been Harry Potter himself. As Raleigh, he joins a company of British soldiers in a dingy trench in a WWI torn France. There he is reunited with an old school mate and hero, Captain Stanhope,played by Hugh Dancy. When Raleigh arrives to camp, Captain Stanhope isn't exactly thrilled to see him. Stanhope isn't the hero he projects,and is constantly drowning himself in whiskey just to get through each day. It's a heart breaking story of men battling not only the French but their own dignity. Hugh and Stark were both amazing to watch live. I haven't seen a show in a while and it was really refreshing to see such a great performance. The rest of the cast was marvelous too. They were uplifting and funny throughout the whole show. Get tickets at

I ran into Cazwell. again on St. Mark's. He told me he was going to be spinning at Avalon but I was way too pooped to put on the hooker shoes for another night of mayhem.

Now to REHAB NEWS!!!!

Star Jonathan Rhys Meyer has entered rehab for alcoholism. Your brilliant Jon. Please,pretty please get better. England will never survive if your in rehab! I hated him in Match Point. Only because he played that character so flipping well. His current role as Henry VIII is sucha hit! The steamy sex scene don't hurt either. Kudos Showtime But seriously bring Dexter Back already!!!!!!!

F L A V O R of The WEEK

Kris Holden-Reid from Showtimes The Tudors is a champion rider and fencer and a former member of the Canadian National Pentathlon Team. Has appeared in movies like Touch of Pink, Alice Blue, Icebound, K-19: The Widowmaker. But most importantly he was in Degrassi: The Next Generation as Sean's older brother. This Chris Martin look-a-like is a Lord in The Tudors. Where he has a homosexual affair with another married man.

Ty Pennington was arrested Saturday night for allegedly driving under the influence of alcohol.

The 28-year-old rapper Eve (full name: Eve Jihan Jeffers) was charged with a misdemeanor of driving under the influence, driving with a blood-alcohol level of 0.08 or above and failure to provide proof of insurance.She is schedule to be arraigned on May 17.If found guilty of the charges against her, Eve could receive a maximum sentence of six months behind bars and a fine of $1,000. The minimum sentence would involve at least three years' probation, a minimum fine of $390 and enrollment in an alcohol-education program. RUFF RYDER!

Paris Watch

Paris Hilton recently fired long time publicist Elliot Mintz soon after her jail sentence was announced Sunday afternoon. All the starlets had a big laugh soon after this announcement. I just hope Paris knows what dogs match orange. Soon after this many Perez Hilton fans ponder......why isn't our " Favorite Media Queen" not reporting on America's Favorite Slorebag?? Rumors are circulating that Perez is being paid off not to report negative Paris News. If Paris is in prison for over 45 days that means 45 days of no club hopping,bikini wearing, public pot smoking,crotch flashing, and no Brandon Davis videos? So if we don't see her in a bikini how will we know if she got new breast implants if they're covered up in an orange jumper while Paris picks up trash.....Oh honey, I hope you don't get shanked.....A world without is upon us. What's your new boyfriend gonna do instead?

Celebrity Kids are making headlines again!

Don't Hassel This HOFF!
A video surfaced of the America's Got Talent star, inebriated eating a cheeseburger on his bathroom floor. The director of this masterpiece of footage? His 16 year old daughter. In the video Hasselhoff promises his daughter he'll stop drinking and sloppily continues to eat his massive cheeseburger. Hasselhoff is going through a rough divorce. He gave his daughter permission to shoot him while drunk over a year. Reportly so he could witness what he's like drunk. Kind of convient if you ask me. Your show returns in June with a new judge. Sharon Osbourne is replacing former female judge Brandy.

is also fueding with former friend Kelly Rowland of Destiny's Child. Brandy encourage Kelly that she shouldn't stay in Beyonce's shadow any longer. Kelly assured Brandy she was never in Beyonce's shadow. Brandy has even gone far enough to drag tennis pro Serena Williams in the middle. The junior fashion designer is trying to stick with Brandy due to the fact she's a murder and needs support at this time in the public eye. But Ms. Williams is doing her best to keep both friendship seperate at the moment.

Bobby Trendy, Bobby Trendy.....How I hate they. But some how you come off gracefully in your newest claim to fame web-isode. This week Bobby announced he was upset that another wild crazy person is coming out of the woodwork that has something to say about Anna Nicole. Again BOBBY TRENDYYYY says that Daniel DiCriscio is a fraud. Hmm I'm pretty sure majority of the world agrees with Mr. DiCriscio. Even though Bobby's Daniel DiCrisco doll was funny. Bobby your just making an ass of yourself once again. Thank you for such entertainment....When are you and Jeffree Fucking Star suppose to come out with your show?

It's been like a year and no show still?

Sienna Miller started filming in "The Best Of Our Times" With Keira Knightly. Rumors have came out that the studios fired Lindsay Lohan because of her inability to make a hit movie. Then there was the whole required drug testing rumor. Um hello? Sienna talks about drugs openly, if drugs was the problem they wouldn't have hired her. Lindsay just focus on promoting Georgia Rule and I Know Who Killed Me and you'll have an awesome summer. Lilo as the press has been calling her, was spotted in NYC. Visiting Mr. Jude Law perhaps? Or just in town to see the fam fam? The n a t i v e "New Yorker" recently purchased her first City Pad.

Courtney Love is on the market.....for a new plastic surgeon! The rock star is looking to get rid of her extra skin. Breaking her New Years resolution of no plastic surgery until she was "60 or when she really needs it". In this case she really needs it.

Divorce news

Wedding Crashers star Bradley Cooper is divorcing wife of four months Jennifer Esposito. Actually Jennifer was the one who filed for divorce last Tuesday. So Brad give me a ring, okay? I'll love you long time.

Couple News

Brittnay Crazypants Murphy got eloped balding boyfriend,Simon Monjack. He's way older and probably the grossest of guys Brittany's been with since Ashton Kutcher. As long as your happy crazy bones!

Neve Campbell from horror flicks Scream got married to British actor John Light. No word on who was invited or what went down. This is Neve's second walk down the aisle.

Movie Role News

Liv Tyler is signed on to be Betty Ross in the new Hulk movie . This role was first portrayed by Jennifer Connolly opposite Eric Bana in the first Ang Lee adaptation of the hottest comic book hero. Liv joins Edward Norton on the rouster.

Chow Yun-Fat Is going to be playing Captain Sao Feng in the third installment of Pirates of the Caribbean Can I get a whoop whoop for Asian pirates?! Yo, this one time while I was snorkeling in Thailand...wait, stop I'll save that story for a rainy day. He's also joining Rock Star Keith Richards

Flavor of the Week