Saturday, February 23, 2008

Shinneecock Hills is better at midnight!

What do you do when you run into your best friends from grade school and she has new boobies? You play with them of course! My girl and I haven't seen each other since 7th grade and before that it was 1st grade! As I was leaving the house we'd just played beer pong at I get a little ring a ding ding on my cellie. It's her! She says in the coolest way possible, wanna go sleding? How could I refuse an offer like tthat? I mean I just played with her tits for an hour I might as well do whatever she tells me to do from that point on right? She continues to ask me if I need any clothes. At this point I totally realised I needed everything, the boots,the gloves, long johns you name it.

I get to her house after some 007 driving tactics to avoid the slime bastards that keep pulling me over. I arrive to her humble neighborhood and she's holding about 15 pieces of clothing just for me. My eyes started to tear up....we were about to do some major beyond major damage....After retrieving our sleds we were off on our adventure....SHINEECOCK HILLS here we come!..

We arrive beers and all and start walking up these massive hills. Half of the hills were already muddy puddles and the tall grass really sucked to get whipped by when you went belly first but it was fucking rad how fast we went. After a few mini kegs or beer we get a little call. It's her bf, he felt bad for not coming. He was about to join us. The second he was foot distance she fucking tackles this bitch to the snow covered ground and then it was on! Black and mild in hand he was sleding down the hills with us. It wasn't until our last hill I noticed my flipping house keys weren't in my pocket.
At this point I knew I should have boofed them like planned but that seemed a little painful concerning all the belly flops I'd be doing. After we recovered her man's missing cell we continued on with our search for my keys....finally I discover them in a dark footprint. I automactally stuff down my pants ice and all and we went on 7 more hills.....

By the time we were done it was nearly 2:30 tits have never been so excited in years!

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