Sunday, July 18, 2010

Barbie World

When I Was a Little Girl I'd Always Get My Older Sister's Left Over Barbies. Some Were Mutilated With Scissors From "Happy Hair Salon" Seshs. My Hand Me Down My Size Barbie Head Had "Make Up" Tattooed On Her Face.

I Even Got Into a Fight With a Girl With Scoliosis In Kindergarten Over a Pink Barbie Painter's Smock. Sure I Was 5 a Tom Boy With a Bad Attitude That Loved Playing Doctor and Body Slamming People For Hating Power Rangers. But At The End Of The Fucking School Day, That Barbie Smock WAS MINE! I Was Willing To Cut Her Stupid Ribbon Off Her Dress Once. I Didn't Want The Black Frankenstein One, The Smelly Ninja Turtle Smock And The Old White Washed Denim Shirt That Was Always Stiff and Stale.

Barbie Is An Icon. She's Had Every Single Job Known To Man. She Help Sculpt Many Generations Of Soft Thinking Girls To Become Slutty And Successful. So Ladies Get The Peroxide, Your Blue Contacts And Totes Buy The Dream House. Because Barbie Will NEVER DIE! These Epic Pieces Of Jewelry Are By Margaux Lange

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